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So it’s been established that I can’t cook, right?  I mean is there a soul out there that is rooting for me to come from behind and really surprise you with a new kitchen skill or talent?  Sorry to disappoint but I tried.  Last night I had a couple of girls over to help plan our last kids camp {have I discussed this yet?  22 kids, 7 moms, my house every Monday….it’s epic! anyway….} and we decided on a treasure hunt.  So fun!

We searched Pintrest for some fun ideas and settled on this one.  A fabulously fit treasure hunt.  I love the idea of sneaking fitness into a fun game for the kids.  Every little bit helps.  Anywho…..

I also decided to use a few recipes from Pintrest to make food for the moms while we decided what to do with the kids for camp.  Since the girls make fun of me for “always doing everything BIG”, I decided to make mini foods {note the big guy was SO not into the mini foods, ask the girls} and found this great brownie recipe and this itty bitty cinnamon bite recipe.  I mean who doesn’t want to eat this?  So cute right?

So let’s be honest, the Pintrest brownies were from scratch, so not happening here, so I decided to go out on a ledge and use my standard BC recipe {Please don’t ask, it’s a family secret} and skip the frosting {too sweet}.  I used my mini muffin pan and I think these came out pretty well.  The big guy, the kids and my girlfriends are all alive…so I take that as a win.  The itty bitty cinnamon bits……

I followed the recipe EXACTLY.  I asked the big guy to get the same rolls they used when he went grocery shopping {What you mean your big guy doesn’t go grocery shopping?  I haven’t been in a grocery store in years……….you really need your big guy to step up his game!}.  I had the computer right next to me while I followed each step.  I was giddy with anticipation, they looked so good on the blog, I couldn’t wait for these to be done.

The recipe said they should be in the oven at 350 for 16-20 minutes.  BIG MISTAKE!!!!!  I only left them in for 13 minutes and pulled them b/c most of them broke open and all the fabulous brown sugar and cinnamon escaped {like inmates from a high security prison} from each bun.  Hoping they could be saved, we quickly took them out of the pan {sorry no pics} and put them on the plate.  I was hoping for a soft and warm gooey taste…what did I get?  The bun part {I’m hoping that what that was…}was hard as a rock.  The brown sugar, butter and cinnamon mixture caramelized into a hard candy like substance {on a positive note, I can now make candy ~ WOO HOO!}.  Seriously?  I followed all the directions, I did it EXACTLY the way it said to do it {except the time but if it was this bad when I pulled it out at 13 minutes, could you imagine it at 16-20 minutes?…I’d have to call the fire department………again} and this is what happens.  This is why I HATE to cook.  I spent all this time and $ {that’s $4.50 I’ll never get back} and it was for nothing, except helping me feel worse about my skills in the kitchen {is that even possible}?. We are having people over Saturday night……I wonder if they will cancel when the read this since I am supposed to cook again……

On a different note, I was able to clean out the pantry and purge all the bad food and get the pantry organized.  I need to buy some bins {$1 store here I come} but so far so good, it is no longer a disaster area and I can actually see what is in there….I wonder how long it will last?

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I still hope Pintrest will be my friend…we seem to be getting off to a rocky start but I am willing to overlook the initial rocky “getting to know you phase” and keeping my fingers crossed for a bright future.



Comments on: "Epic fail and other things…." (1)

  1. I ❤ cinnamon buns as much as the next gal but I have the same problem. This is why I fufill my need for gooey brown sugar delightfulness with Monkey Bread, dang near impossible to mess it up and it is awesome with a lil bit of melted cream cheese frosting dirbbled on it! Keep on keepin' on 😉

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