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You know it’s going to be a rough week when you get a call from school at 9AM on a Monday morning.  I am pretty sure the entire teacher staff is now weary of having the Leader children in their classes in the coming years….OK maybe I am getting ahead of myself…let me fill you in on my morning.

First I would like to say that if you ever think to yourself, there is NO WAY these things really happen in her life……she has got to be making this up….I would like you to contact Mimi for verification of this story as she was kind enough to come over this morning to try to teach me how to use a sewing machine and witnessed this entire event.  Ok now let’s start at the beginning…..

We woke up this morning quite early {Itty Bitty is still not sleeping thru the night so I seem to get up earlier and earlier each day}.  I had recently sent out an invite for the Kindergarten Moms {the princesses class} to come over for a MNO and most thought I was also inviting the kids for a weeknight party @ my house at 8PM…so I needed to send out a clarification e-mail that is was a Mom’s only night {this isn’t the EPIC FAIL….this is just a typical everyday fail….}.  When the little guy came into the office while I was typing he asked how many days till his birthday and I suddenly realized it was tomorrow.  SERIOUSLY?!  How could I forget my firstborn’s birthday day?  How is that possible?

I had to go into school this morning to speak with his teacher {usually you do this a week b/4 the actual day but OBVIOUSLY I was late}.  On the way into school, the little guy told Mrs. Ryan how excited he was that his birthday was tomorrow.  I told her how I forgot.  She smiled {Mrs. Ryan and I are pretty tight, she expects this kind of thing from me…hopefully his teacher would be just as good}.  I came clean immediately {honestly is the best policy in my book} and admitted that I had forgotten his birthday was tomorrow and that I know I am so late but would it be possible to bring in cupcakes so he could celebrate.  His teacher {God Bless her} was so sweet, said it was not a problem and they’d be happy to have a little celebration for him.  I promised to run out this afternoon to get supplies and get them done tonight.

Soon after I got home, Mimi arrived, sewing machine in hand, ready to teach me how to get my sewing on!  Now before we were even able to do that  I had to:

  • change Itty Bitty’s diaper
  • nurse Itty Bitty
  • Show Mimi the new TV room and Kitchen
  • Discuss said TV room decor and ask for tips
  • put Itty Bitty to bed
  • let The Destroyer play angry birds on my laptop
  • move The Destroyer to the office computer and NickJr

As we were FINALLY getting started I walked by the refrigerator calendar and noticed tomorrow’s date…the 11th of October.  The little guy’s birthday is on the 12th.  His birthday isn’t till Wednesday.  I froze.  I told Mimi the entire story of this morning.  Feeling bad about forgetting, telling Mrs. Ryan, apologizing to his teacher for being late…..she already HAS to think I am CRAZY for not remembering now I have to go in at the end of the day and tell her not only did I forget I actually got the date WRONG……yup, I’m good like that.

Not to waste anymore of Mimi’s time we {after a really good laugh} we got to work.  I learned how to thread the bobbin and what to do when the thread broke, how to drop the needle, etc.  So when the phone rang 10 minutes later and the school ID was on the phone I answered without a thought in my head…..that was until I heard.  “Hi Mrs. Leader this is {insert the little guys teacher’s name here}.”  I almost peed my pants right there.  I mean seriously?!  She KNOWS ALREADY!  I laughed out loud {much like right now as I sit here typing this cracking up}.

The little guy’s teacher could hardly control her laughter as she explained that the little guy was the head of the calendar for the week and while telling everyone the correct date to put into their copybooks stopped cold and explained that the calendar was WRONG and everyone should stop writing.  In front of the ENTIRE class he said his mother told him his birthday was tomorrow and since his birthday is the 12th NOT the 11th, the CALENDAR was obviously wrong.  She said she asked him to sit down and for the kids to say a prayer.  She stepped out into the hallway so she could release the laughter she could barely control.  She said in all her years of teaching she has NEVER had a child question the calendar.  She called just to be sure that his birthday wasn’t really the 11th and he was possibly confused.  But the laughter in her voice confirmed to me that she already knew the answer to her own question.

Did I say honesty is the best policy?  Then laughter is the best medicine b/c I could hardly speak as I told her that it was not the little guy but me {I?…yes, English was one of my majors in college, don’t judge me, I’ve been home with 4 kids for 8 years} who messed up {AGAIN?!!}.  I am pretty sure it took the both of us a full minute to get ourselves under control and stop laughing.  His teacher said she had to wait till the kids went to gym today to call me for fear of laughing again in front of the kids.  I told her to feel free to share this story with the rest of the teachers at lunch as I am sure they could use a good laugh on a Monday.

I am also pretty sure it took Mimi and I another few minutes to collect ourselves after I hung up the phone as I had to fill her in on what the little guys teacher said.  I tell you this to hopefully brighten your Monday and to make you feel better about the AMAZING mom that you are!  B/c I am pretty positive that NONE of you will have to have an awkward conversation with your 7 soon to be 8 YO son this afternoon at pickup about why Mommy has lost her mind.  Wish me luck!

I’m pretty sure this is the big guy’s. Somedays I feel bad that he’s married to the girl who can’t clean or even cook grilled cheese…….must be such a dissappointment, hahahahaha

The smoke alarms work

I am no longer allowed to use the stove top. I am now down to the microwave and the fridge…..seriously?! How can you mess up grilled cheese? I need help!

I always refer to my life as a sitcom…mostly b/c I can’t imagine these things are actually happening.  Then I realize these things ALWAYS happen and  I should just accept that this IS our normal.  So here’s yesterday’s wrap up:

  1. 6Am Hide and Seek bathroom redecorating project complete
  2. Received {off duty} Police escort to drop off rescued newborn bunnies {we found them in our yard and they were almost swept away in flood water, it was CRAZY}
  3. The little guy created a T-shirt line with the tag line ~ I save bunnies.  I’m awesome! ~ the officer is awaiting his delivery
  4. 22 kids, 6 moms, an exercise treasure hunt, homemade pizza and butterfly craft
  5. Ambused the big guy with silly string on the front lawn {the kids LOVE doing this}
  6. The destroyers 1st soccer practice, she came downstairs wearing the little guys Under Armour and cup.
  7. The little guy managed to drop his soccer ball out the window of the car during rush hour on the way to soccer practice
  8. The big guy was able to circle back and find it in less than 2 minutes {seriously AMAZING!}

Ok so this is a normal day at my house.  Is this a normal day at yours?

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Did I ever tell you about Camp Leader?  No?  I’m not exactly sure why not, it is an AWESOME camp {nothing like patting myself on the back} that we started this summer for the kids to be able to get together with their friends once a week and do all kinds of fun things.  It is an open door policy, so all the moms in our group let me know if they can make it that week and we {me and my kids} figure out what we are going to do that week.  So far we’ve made a whole bunch of cool stuff.  Today is our last camp and we are having a fitness treasure hunt.  Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

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Sorry for the short post today but with the bunny episode {if you don’t already know, I’ll fill you in tomorrow} we have got to get moving.  We are off to Schulikill Center to drop them off and see if we can get these new little guys a fresh new start.  Will be sure to post the story and pics tomorrow.  Hey, sometimes in your 100 days you accomplish something that isn’t on the original list.  It’s amazing how important things not on the list become top priority.



….Do you think I’m overselling this?  You might want to look back and remember this Epic Baking Fail.  Pretty bad right?  I am a get over it and move forward kind of girl {with 4 children plotting against you each night, believe me it’s the only way to be.}  So I ran into the Acme the other day {no I was NOT grocery shopping, the big guy does that, I was renting a movie from Redbox} and thought to myself, I should totally try to do that cinnamon roll recipe again, I mean how could it possibly be any worst than what I already did?  With a sense of fearlessness {some might call it being a glutton for punishment, I like to think otherwise}, I scooped up Acme Rolls {$0.59, I got 4 packs, JIC} and I was on my way home.

I woke up this morning optimistic {I made a cake yesterday and it was GOOOOOD and no I can’t share my BC recipe} so I decided to enlist the troops for a little help.  Also, if this all went south, I could totally blame the little guy, the princess and the destroyer.  Yes, I would totally do that.  If they think it’s OK to throw me under the bus with their father, I can do the same!  Anyway the kids did a great job each doing one and I finished the rest.  Here are the changes I made and one’s I will make the next time:

  1. Put the biscuits in the freezer for 5 minutes b/4 you start.  It really helps with the kids, they are colder and easier to work with.
  2. Use less butter {I know I heart butter too} but you really only need a little bit.  I am thinking this is why our cinnamon and brown sugar keeps escaping from our rolls.
  3. Set the temp at 325 degrees.  My girlfriend Capri {her nickname…everyone has a nickname.  Probably why I am always forgetting real names} said this would really help, IT DID!
  4. Roll the biscuits tight.  I didn’t the first time and this time I made sure they were pretty tight, I think it made a big difference.
  5. Put them back in the fridge for 5 minutes b/4 you cut them.  Easy to cut and move onto greased backing sheet.
  6. Cut them into 4’s.  6 were way to small and they got crispy pretty fast.  4’s stayed nice, soft and gooey.
  7. I turned the pan at 5 minutes and again after another 5 minutes.  I pulled them out after 12 minutes and let rest for 3 {do #8 first} minutes.  So that’s 12 minutes of cooking and 3 minutes of resting, 15 minutes TOTAL.
  8. Put the buns in a bowl and drizzle the topping {1 cup confectioners sugar and 5 tablespoons of heavy cream} and mix carefully.  Let rest 3 minutes.
  9. Give everyone a few on their plate and put the rest away…or else your big guy will come home from picking up a door jamb at Home Dept and the only thing he’ll find is a sink full of dishes.

So glad I decided to give this a second try.  I will absolutely make these again and cut the butter down and see how that works.  have you ever had a recipe that was supposed to be easy and you failed like me?  I’d love to hear about it.  Did you try again?  How did it turn out?  Let me know, it may be one I can add to my list.



So it’s been established that I can’t cook, right?  I mean is there a soul out there that is rooting for me to come from behind and really surprise you with a new kitchen skill or talent?  Sorry to disappoint but I tried.  Last night I had a couple of girls over to help plan our last kids camp {have I discussed this yet?  22 kids, 7 moms, my house every Monday….it’s epic! anyway….} and we decided on a treasure hunt.  So fun!

We searched Pintrest for some fun ideas and settled on this one.  A fabulously fit treasure hunt.  I love the idea of sneaking fitness into a fun game for the kids.  Every little bit helps.  Anywho…..

I also decided to use a few recipes from Pintrest to make food for the moms while we decided what to do with the kids for camp.  Since the girls make fun of me for “always doing everything BIG”, I decided to make mini foods {note the big guy was SO not into the mini foods, ask the girls} and found this great brownie recipe and this itty bitty cinnamon bite recipe.  I mean who doesn’t want to eat this?  So cute right?

So let’s be honest, the Pintrest brownies were from scratch, so not happening here, so I decided to go out on a ledge and use my standard BC recipe {Please don’t ask, it’s a family secret} and skip the frosting {too sweet}.  I used my mini muffin pan and I think these came out pretty well.  The big guy, the kids and my girlfriends are all alive…so I take that as a win.  The itty bitty cinnamon bits……

I followed the recipe EXACTLY.  I asked the big guy to get the same rolls they used when he went grocery shopping {What you mean your big guy doesn’t go grocery shopping?  I haven’t been in a grocery store in years……….you really need your big guy to step up his game!}.  I had the computer right next to me while I followed each step.  I was giddy with anticipation, they looked so good on the blog, I couldn’t wait for these to be done.

The recipe said they should be in the oven at 350 for 16-20 minutes.  BIG MISTAKE!!!!!  I only left them in for 13 minutes and pulled them b/c most of them broke open and all the fabulous brown sugar and cinnamon escaped {like inmates from a high security prison} from each bun.  Hoping they could be saved, we quickly took them out of the pan {sorry no pics} and put them on the plate.  I was hoping for a soft and warm gooey taste…what did I get?  The bun part {I’m hoping that what that was…}was hard as a rock.  The brown sugar, butter and cinnamon mixture caramelized into a hard candy like substance {on a positive note, I can now make candy ~ WOO HOO!}.  Seriously?  I followed all the directions, I did it EXACTLY the way it said to do it {except the time but if it was this bad when I pulled it out at 13 minutes, could you imagine it at 16-20 minutes?…I’d have to call the fire department………again} and this is what happens.  This is why I HATE to cook.  I spent all this time and $ {that’s $4.50 I’ll never get back} and it was for nothing, except helping me feel worse about my skills in the kitchen {is that even possible}?. We are having people over Saturday night……I wonder if they will cancel when the read this since I am supposed to cook again……

On a different note, I was able to clean out the pantry and purge all the bad food and get the pantry organized.  I need to buy some bins {$1 store here I come} but so far so good, it is no longer a disaster area and I can actually see what is in there….I wonder how long it will last?

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I still hope Pintrest will be my friend…we seem to be getting off to a rocky start but I am willing to overlook the initial rocky “getting to know you phase” and keeping my fingers crossed for a bright future.



Ok, I think you need to know I am an all or nothing kind of girl.  I say this b/c when I saw this idea on Pintrest I almost peed my pants.  I HATE cleaning the stove burners.  It is so annoying.  I scrub and I scrub and it takes FOREVER to get those puppies clean.  Yet another reason I am anti-kitchen.  I mean you spend all day trying to keep all these people fed.  Then you have to clean up after them.  Fine, I can clean a dish {or 4} no worries, I can handle that……only then you turn around and the thing that is supposed to HELP you feed the people has now turned into the thing that will take hours to clean.

So you know me {see 1st line of above paragraph}, I just avoid it like the plague.  I do a fast wipe with a soapy sponge but let’s be honest, I am NOT cleaning the burners ~ just the actual stove top.  So needless to say….it’s disgusting.  The sad part is I know it was actually a LOT worse {shut up!  Yours looks like this too} but the big guy just cleaned it not too long ago so I kinda felt a bit overconfident when I saw the easy/lazy cleaning method.  I mean the pics showed an awesome before and after so it had to work right?

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I followed the instructions and placed all the burners, tops etc. in bags with 1/4 cup of Ammonia.  Be sure to have your windows open for this, or better yet do it outside, this stuff is stinky.  {Note: the destroyer said it was not as stinky as Itty Bitty’s Diapers, but stinky enough ~ just as a point of reference}  I put all bags outside on old cookie sheets overnight and prayed for a miracle.  I was a little giddy waking up wondering if it worked.  I made the big guy come out with me for the big reveal {He’ll do anything to encourage my new cleaning behavior} and you could see the Ammonia changed color in the bags…I took this as a good sign.

I was able to get most everything off {again, make sure the windows are OPEN} but I wouldn’t say it was easy.  I still scrubbed like I normally do.  The blog said it was easy…..I am going to politely disagree.  I was able to get most of the stuff off, but I wanted a miracle….you know the kind you see on the infomercials.  I wanted Billy Mays {God rest his soul} to come to my house with a sham wow and just yell at the camera how easy it was to wipe clean.  Didn’t happen.

I also wanted {all or nothing girl, remember} everything to come off.  Even with the scrubbing, I still had stuff left I could not remove.  IS there something wrong with me?  Can’t I just be happy with what I was able to do.  I guess, but I felt like this one was a BIG let down……I probably built it up too much in my head since I wanted it SO bad.  Lesson learned for next time ~ expect nothing and if something does work, you can be pleasantly surprised.

Off to start on the pantry..



Ok so today is the kick off!  What can I do in 100 days using Pintrest.  I am going to create boards {seriously, if you haven’t signed up by now, I have no idea why you are still waiting…} for each of the categories below {IE 100 Days:Organization} this way you can see where I am getting my inspiration and see what I have accomplished.  I am excited to see how using Pintrest over the next 100 days will help me accomplish my goals and I can really start to put into practice all the great ideas, suggestions, tips and tricks I’ve been seeing over the past few weeks.  What will I be able to accomplish in the first 7 days of my challenge?  I’ve decided to split everything up into small weekly pieces so I can really see things getting done and not feel terribly overwhelmed with everything that I want to accomplish.

Everything on my list falls under the following categories: Organization {O}, Decorating {D}, Cooking {C}, Health/Beauty {H/B}, Relationships {R} and Personal Growth {PG}.  So I will list everything out accordingly.  I will add pictures to the blog and link all ideas back to Pintrest so you can see the progression and the original idea holder {b/c I am a great at following directions, not at the original thought and I don’t want you to think this is all me…..this is just me doing what other people have pinned on their boards.}  I’m excited about my journey and look forward to the challenge.

Week 1 ~ 

O:  The Kitchen.  Ok seriously, thinking why not start with the toughest first and believe me when I tell you, I have NO idea what I am doing in the kitchen….unless you are talking about the fridge or the microwave…and even then things get a bit spotty.  A cleaning will happen form the top down.  All Cabinets {inside and out}, Stove Top {I found this great idea for Stove Burners I am SOOOO excited to try}, The rest of the fridge {anyone have ideas how to clean rust off a fridge door?} and small appliances {thinking the can opener and toaster oven need a good once over} get a good cleaning.  Rugs washed and floor scrubbed.  I also have a little idea about how to keep all of this ongoing and so I am going to try to create a book for the house.  We’ll see how that works out.

C: I will research and cook 2 meals this week that are new and 1 appetizer.  I will be sure to call in to our local fire department and police station ahead of time and will add fresh batteries to all smoke alarms JIC.

H: All “junk food” is out of the house.  {This is best to do when the big guy is not home so I don’t have someone over my shoulder asking questions}.  Will work out 5 times this week for at least 30 minutes each day.  Running at least 2.5 miles a day.  I will say good-bye to my bestie: Diet Soda and begin the withdraw process this morning. {I’m already feeling light-headed and jittery just thinking about it}.  Goal has been set to lose 2 lbs. this week.

D:  I need new dish towels and I need to decide if the kitchen needs to be repainted.  It is a bit dark and since we are going lighter in the rest of the house I think it might be best to think about it.  {I am terrible about picking colors}  I am also thinking I need to add a chalkboard wall to my kitchen so I can list weekly meals.  Not sure if the big guy will go for it or not but thinking he can’t not like it if it helps get me organized and in the kitchen right?  Also not sure about what to do with the windows {door glass and window over the sink}, thinking this needs to be done the same time as the paint choices.

R:  I need to set time aside for just adult time.  The Big Guy and I are always doing everything with the kids, we need to either get out of the house or have people over.  Hoping to have friends over this weekend and I can make the new appetizer….I love that I am using my friends as Guinea pigs.  {note to self, hid this post from Jen}

PG: I want to do a DIY project so I am going to complete a coffee filter wreath {see how I am staying in the Kitchen Theme}, read a good book {I picked a few up at the dollar store….don’t you judge me} and see if I can find a friend who can teach me how to use WordPress.  This blog is dismal.  I need to figure out how to do the buttons, pictures, colors, etc.  I moved to WordPress b/c it is supposed to be better.  STINKS b/c I can do so much more in blogger.  If you know WordPress and want to help {I’m not proud, I’ll scrub your floors if that’s what it takes to have someone help me figure this out} let me know!

Ok that’s this weeks agenda.  It should be a fun-filled week for sure!  I’ve also realized that I am starting my 100 days right as the kids start back to soccer {3 nights a week}, school is weeks away {must get new uniforms and book reports finished}….I must learn better timing.

Wish me luck…I think I am really gonna need it!


I highly recommend everyone find their own Big Guy……b/c you’re NOT taking mine.  Not to brag or anything, but he’s awesome!  I am on a “we need to redo the house” kick and God love him, he hasn’t killed me yet.  I took the kids down the shore the big guy packed us up, drove us down, unpacked and came home to work while we stayed and played at the shore…not a bad deal for me.  Unfortunately, he had to work and although we missed him terribly, we found a way to go on and have a blast.

Anywho….he left on a Saturday night, which I thought was weird initially b/c he didn’t have work till Monday, but just thought he had some school work {is getting his doctorate…not only is he handsome and helpful, he’s a smartie too…hands off ladies, I know karate} to get done so I kissed him good-bye and off he went.  Yes, he did have homework to do but he also spent all day Sunday repainting my front room {I guess other people call it a living room, we sometimes call it a fireplace room, it’s terrible we only pass thru the room to get to another room or leave the house…but NOT ANYMORE!!!!!} I am loving the new light color!  It makes the room look SO much bigger.

I wanted to do a little something for the big guy to thank him.  I saw a really cute idea on Pintrest {seriously if you are not on there, you are missing out!} on how to make 3 packs of Rolos into a group of dynamite.  The tag reads ~ You’re Da BOMB.  He loved it!  Put a few pics up so you can do it ~ Such a simple and quick project but a fun a creative way to say thanks.

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